Jouve-Cerebrals Test of Induction - Inductive Reasoning Assessment


Guidelines for Test-Taking:

Free Automatic Scoring

Once you finish, the JCTI will automatically transform your raw score into a Nonverbal Ability Index range, akin to an IQ score, with an average set at 100 and a standard deviation of 15. This gives you a comparison against the typical adult test-taker aged 30 to 39. If you fall outside this age bracket, we recommend requesting an individualized score report for the most accurate assessment.

Data Collection and Accuracy

Maintaining the integrity and privacy of your data is our utmost priority, especially if you consider obtaining a professional manual correction post-assessment. Our data collection process is in strict compliance with the American Psychological Association's (APA) guidelines from 2017, ensuring that your information is handled with the highest level of confidentiality. While participation is entirely at your discretion, and you may opt out at any time without consequences, providing accurate data is crucial. Should you request a manual review of your results, the precision of the data you submit enhances the quality of the insights you receive. We highly value and encourage you to share previous scores from standardized tests such as the ACT, AFQT, GRE, SAT, or WAIS, as this contributes to the depth of our statistical analysis and the personalization of your manual correction.

Individual Record Form



years and months








Submission Confirmation

By clicking the "Submit" button below, you acknowledge that your test responses will be finalized. Any unanswered questions will remain blank and will count as such in the analysis and scoring process.

Please ensure the accuracy of your answers before submitting. After this submission, changes or test retakes are not permitted. Your result will be immediately processed and displayed on a dedicated result page.

Proceeding with submission implies your consent for us to analyze and score your responses as per our standardized procedures.

Author: Jouve, X.
Creation: 2003
Publication: 2011