Effective Time Management Techniques for SAT and ACT Success

Time management is critical for performing well on standardized tests like the SAT and ACT. This article offers practical strategies to help you manage your time efficiently during the test, improving your overall score.

Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format

Understanding the structure of the SAT or ACT is the first step in managing your time effectively. The SAT includes sections on Reading, Writing and Language, Math (with and without a calculator), and an optional Essay. The ACT consists of English, Math, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing section. Knowing the number of questions and the time allotted for each section will help you allocate your time wisely.

Practice with Timed Sections

Completing practice tests under timed conditions is one of the most effective ways to improve your time management. Use a timer to replicate the actual test environment. As you practice, identify areas where you spend too much time and adjust your pacing accordingly. Consistent timed practice will help you develop an innate sense of how long you can afford to spend on each question.

Prioritize Questions

Not all questions carry the same weight, so it’s important to prioritize. For both the SAT and ACT, every question within a section is worth the same number of points. If you encounter a particularly challenging question, it may be more beneficial to skip it and return later if time permits. Focus on securing the points from easier questions first.

Use the Process of Elimination

When you’re unsure of an answer, the process of elimination can save time. Quickly eliminating clearly wrong answers increases your odds of selecting the correct one and prevents you from spending too much time deliberating. This technique is especially useful in the multiple-choice sections.

Set Time Benchmarks

Setting time benchmarks for each section can prevent you from falling behind. For example, if the SAT Reading section gives you 65 minutes to answer 52 questions, aim to complete each passage and its associated questions in about 13 minutes. This approach helps you monitor your pacing throughout the test.

Avoid Perfectionism

It’s easy to get bogged down trying to perfect an answer, but this can be a significant time drain. Keep in mind that it’s better to answer all questions to the best of your ability than to leave several blank due to spending too much time on a few. Practice letting go of perfectionism in favor of efficiency.

Take Strategic Breaks

Both the SAT and ACT provide scheduled breaks. Use these wisely to refresh your mind, rather than stress about the next section. A brief mental reset can improve your focus and efficiency when you return to the test.

Stay Calm and Focused

Test-day anxiety can disrupt your time management. Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, to help maintain focus. Staying calm enables you to think more clearly and stick to your time management plan.

Review Your Answers if Time Permits

If you finish a section early, use the extra time to review your answers. Check for careless mistakes, and if you skipped any questions, now is the time to address them. However, avoid changing answers unless you’re certain of an error, as your first instinct is often correct.

Simulate Test Conditions

Leading up to the exam, take full-length practice tests under realistic conditions. This includes sitting in a quiet place, using a timer, and following the exact timing rules of the SAT or ACT. Simulating the test day experience helps you become comfortable with the pressure of managing your time under actual test conditions.


Success on the SAT or ACT is not just about what you know, but also how well you manage your time. By familiarizing yourself with the test format, practicing under timed conditions, and employing strategies like prioritization and time benchmarks, you can improve your efficiency and accuracy. With consistent practice and the right approach, you can enhance your performance and reduce test-day stress.

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