The Evolution of IQ Test Formats: From Pencils to Pixels

IQ tests have been around for a minute, but they’ve come a long way since their early days. What started as paper-and-pencil exercises has transformed into sleek digital tools that can be accessed from anywhere with Wi-Fi. Let’s talk about how IQ test formats have evolved and why they’re way cooler (and more practical)…

How IQ Tests Are Standardized: Keeping It Fair and Square

Let’s be real: most of us have heard of IQ tests, but ever wondered how they figure out what a “normal” score is? Like, how do they decide what counts as average, genius, or just “meh”? That’s where the magic of standardization comes in. It’s a whole process to make sure IQ tests aren’t…

What’s the Deal with Spearman’s g Factor?

When it comes to IQ and how our brains handle problem-solving, logic, and learning, one name that pops up in the psych world is Spearman. This dude came through in the early 1900s and gave us the idea of the g factor, which stands for “general intelligence.” It’s not just a buzzword psychologists throw…